A waistcoat is an essential component of a three-piece suit. All suits, of course, consist of a pair of trousers and a matching jacket. There are two-piece suits, however, and three-piece suits. Two-piece suits only consist of a pair of trousers and a matching jacket, whereas three-piece suits feature an added waistcoat. If you're planning to wear a waistcoat as part of a three-piece suit, you'll need to choose the right one. Below are some dos and don'ts to follow when choosing a waistcoat.
Do Look for High-Quality Buttons
When choosing a waistcoat, you should look for high-quality buttons. Waistcoats have buttons on the from of them. Buttons are fasteners that allow you to open or close the front of a waistcoat. Some waistcoats, though, feature higher-quality buttons than others.
If your waistcoat has cheap, low-quality buttons, they may not last. After wearing your waistcoat a few times, the buttons may come loose -- or they may fall off entirely. To avoid this headache, look for high-quality buttons when choosing a waistcoat. Bull Horn and Corzo are considered premium and high-quality buttons. With Bull Horn or Corzo buttons, your waistcoat will last longer while offering greater value in the process.
Don't Choose a Different Fabric
Avoid choosing a waistcoat in a different fabric from that of your suit. Instead, choose a waistcoat in the same fabric as your suit. If your trousers and suit jacket are made of wool, for example, you should choose a wool waistcoat. If they are made of linen, on the other hand, you should choose a linen waistocat.
Waistcoats are designed to be worn in conjunction with a suit. This is why it's important that they feature the same type of fabric. With a different fabric, your waistcoat won't offer a uniform appearance. It will stick out from the rest of your outfit while creating an unflattering appearance. You can achieve a uniform and attractive appearance by choosing a waistcoat in the same fabric as your trousers and jacket.
Do Color-Coordinate With Trousers
You should color-coordinate your waistcoat with your trousers. Suit trousers and waistcoats are available in dozens of colors. Some men prefer black, whereas others prefer navy or charcoal gray. When choosing a waistcoat, you should stick with the same color as the trousers with which you intend to wear them. If you have black trousers, you should generally choose a black waistcoat.
Keep in mind that your waistcoat doesn't have to necessarily match the color of your suit jacket. You can choose a waistcoat in an entirely different color, assuming it flows cohesively with your suit jacket. Just remember to color-coordinate your waistcoat with your trousers at the very least. With your waistcoat and trousers featuring the same color, as well as the same fabric, you'll create a more uniform appearance.

Don't Overlook Lining
You shouldn't overlook lining when choosing a waistcoat. It's a unique feature that offers a touch of style and added comfort. What is lining exactly? Lining refers to an extra layer of thin fabric that's sewn into the interior of a waistcoat. It's usually a different fabric from that of which the waistcoat is made.
With lining, your waistcoat will be softer and more comfortable. It will still look the same. Lining is mostly concealed since it's added to the interior and not the exterior. With its thin and soft properties, though, lining will make your waistcoat a little more comfortable to wear. Therefore, you should consider choosing a waistcoat with lining.
Do Look for Pockets
In addition to lining, you should look for pockets when choosing a waistcoat. All high-quality waistcoats should have pockets. Most waistcoats have two pockets. You can find these pockets on the front sides. With that said, some waistcoats have additional pockets, such as breast pockets. If you're going to buy a new waistcoat, you should look for pockets in these areas.
Keep in mind that some waistcoats come with the pockets sewn shut. This is designed to preserve their original shape. You can still use the pockets, but you'll need to cut them open beforehand. Using a seam ripper, carefully slice the threading over the pockets to open them.
Don't Get the Wrong Size
One of the biggest mistakes to avoid when choosing a waistcoat is getting the wrong size. Waistcoats are designed to offer a form-fitting appearance. In other words, they will sit close against your body when worn. This form-fitting appearance means that there's little room for error in regards to the size. If your waistcoat is just a half-inch too small, you may not be able to fasten the front of it, nor will you be able to comfortably wear it.
How do you know if a waistcoat will fit exactly? When shopping for a waistcoat in person, you can try it on. A better idea, though, is to order a custom-sized waistcoat online. Here at StudioSuits, we offer a wide range of waistcoats in custom sized. Ordering a custom-sized waistcoat will give you the freedom of specifying your body measurements. Upon receiving these measurements, we'll use them to design a custom-sized waistcoat that fits perfectly.
Do Consider the Pattern
Finally, you should consider the pattern when choosing a waistcoat. While some waistcoats feature a single and solid color, others feature a pattern. Patterns are designs consisting of multiple colors in a particular pattern. You can find waistcoats in a plaid pattern, for instance. Plaid patterns offer boxes or different colors. Other patterns in which wasitcoats are designed include vertical stripes, horizontal stripes and even polka-dots.
What's the best pattern for a waistcoat exactly? If you prefer a solid color waistcoat, you don't need to worry about a pattern. Solid color waistcoats don't feature any patterns. But if you're going to choose a waistcoat with a pattern, plaid is a great all-around choice. Plaid waistcoats are simple, classic and timeless. More importantly perhaps, they are easy to match with other garments and accessories.