How to Protect Your Suits From Moths

How to Protect Your Suits From Moths

Have you discovered holes in your favorite suit trousers or jacket? If so, it could be the result of moths. When fully grown, moths won't harm your clothes. As larvae, however, they may feast on clothes made of certain types of fabric. It's frustrating when you spend your time and money purchasing a new suit, only to discover that moths have damaged it. The good news is that you can protect your suits from such damage by following a few simple steps.

Store Suits in Air-Tight Garment Bags

One of the most effective ways to protect your suits from moths is to store them in air-tight garments bags. Assuming the bag is air tight, neither moths nor any other pest will be able to reach the suit. So, if you aren't planning on wearing a particular suit for the rest of the year, consider storing it in an air-tight bag. When placed inside the bag, your suit will be completely protected against moths.

Install a Dehumidifier

Another tip to protect your suits from moths is to install a dehumidifier in your home. Moths thrive in humid environments. Research shows, in fact, that 80% to 90% relative humidity is the ideal environment for moths. Therefore, installing a dehumidifier can keep these pests at bay by creating a less-attractive environment. When a dehumidifier is running, it will remove moisture from the air, thus lowering the relative humidity level. A dehumidifier alone won't necessarily prevent moths from reaching your suits, but when used in conjunction with the other methods described here, it can certainly lower the risk of moth damage.

Dry Clean Regularly

Don't forget to get your suit dry cleaned on a regular basis. Dry cleaning does more than just eliminate stains and wrinkles; it protects against moths and other pests. When your suit is dry cleaned, it will be exposed to powerful cleaning chemicals and high heat, both of which will kill any lingering moths. Of course, you should check to make sure they dry cleaning is allowed. Most suits can be dry cleaned, but some cannot. Therefore, you should check the care tag on your suit to see if dry cleaning is allowed.

Choose a High-Quality Suit

Cheap suits are more likely to sustain moth damage than their higher-quality counterparts because they are made of thin fabrics. Moths can easily eat through thin, cheap fabric, so consider spending the extra money on a high-quality suit. A 100% wool suit, for example, will offer a high level of protection against moths. While moths are attracted to most organic, natural fabrics, they'll struggle to cause any visible damage to a thick, 100% wool suit. With that said, you can choose a suit made of any high-quality and thick fabric. As long as it's a premium, thick fabric, it will offer a high level of protection against moths.


Hang Up Your Suit After Wearing It

Are you guilty of tossing your suit on the floor after wearing it? When you get home from a long day at work -- or whatever else you were doing -- you may instinctively throw your suit on the floor. In doing so, however, you may inadvertently expose it to moths. Moths often live in the carpet, and if your suit hits the floor, these pests may reach it. To protect your suits from moths, always hang them up when you aren't wearing them. Using a heavy-duty clothes hanger, hang your suits up in a closet.

Use a Lint Roller

A light roller can keep your suits clean while also protecting them from moth damage. What is a lint roller exactly? As the name suggests, it's a rolling tool that's used to remove lint on clothes and upholstery. It typically consists of a handheld roll of a one-sided tape. To use a lint roller, simply roll it across the surface of your suit. Any lint or debris on the surface of your suit will stick to the lint roller's one-sided tape. But a lint roller can remove more than just lint; it can remove moths as well. The small moth larvae will stick to the one-sided tape, leaving behind a cleaner and more pristine suit that's ready to be worn.

Use Moth Balls

There are actually products available that are designed specifically to protect clothes from moths. Known as moth balls, they contain ingredients that deter moths. To use moth balls, simply place a few of them inside the air-tight bags in which your suits are stored. The moth balls will then create an unpleasant environment for moths, essentially keeping them away from your suit. It only takes a few minutes to toss some moth balls in a bag with your suit, but doing so is a highly effective way to protect your formal outfits from moth damage.

Inspect Suits for Moth Damage

You should get into the habit of inspecting your suits for moth damage on a regular basis. While this won't necessarily protect your suits from moths, it will mitigate the damage should an infection occur. If you discover moth damage on a suit, you can take the suit to get dry cleaned. And once you've picked up from the dry cleaners, you can store it in an air-tight bag for maximum protection against moths.

Clean Home With Vinegar

Finally, cleaning your home with vinegar can protect your suits, as well as other garments, from moths. Moths hate the smell and acidity of vinegar. Therefore, it's an effective product with which to clean your home and protect against moth infestations. Simply fill a spray bottle with 1 part distilled white vinegar and 1 part. Next, spray it over hard surfaces like counters and floors. The vinegar will naturally deter moths, thereby protecting your suits and clothes from moth damage. At the same time, vinegar acts as a disinfectant by killing potentially harmful germs.