Dress Your Best to Ensure Success
Success in life is determined by many things. Certainly how well you apply yourself to tasks in achieving your objectives is an important factor. So too is your ability to make good decisions. But overshadowing every other factor by a long way is the impression you create on other people that you have dealings with, and most especially the first impression.
A possibly unfortunate truth is that most people are more judgmental and prejudicial than they should be, and usually how you look is a major influence for better or worse. To get an edge in business, work, or even your social life, the most important thing you can invest in is your image.
You start with the basics. Good grooming, good hygiene, and good manners. These should all come to you naturally, and if they don't, you should do whatever it takes to acquire these essential habits for success. Then there is the matter of how you dress, and it is here that many people make their greatest mistakes.
In any kind of business setting, it is essential for men to wear a suit. A business setting could be loosely defined as any situation where some kind of commercial interaction takes place and where you are not involved directly in strenuous physical labor. Then it will come down to what kind of suit you require.
Figuring this out can be quite challenging, but asking yourself the following questions may point you in the right direction in making your decision.
1. Do you have your own office, or do you work in a more open plan / cubicle type of environment? If the latter is the case, it won't matter too much what you wear, as people will have lower expectations. If you do have an office, you really need to have a suit of very good quality and the finest accessories to complement it.
2. Are you the type to offer your guests aged single malt from a crystal decanter, or weak coffee served in a paper cup? The bigger the impression you need to make, the bigger you'll need to dress. When you have visitors or clients who need the five star treatment, most of the time you'll need to project an image of being stable, secure, reliable and in control. A good color choice in that case is navy, and the best jacket choice is most often double-breasted. A wide tie in an appropriate color or pattern will help round off the look.
3. Do you need to seem modern, quirky, different or unique? In such a circumstance, it is better to choose a single-breasted jacket with notched narrow lapels. This at least will make you seem more modern and a bit less traditional in your approach to business. If you really want to stand out, choose something like a nehru collar or less traditional colors like green or purple. The latter approach is best for artists, actors, and designers. If you're a lawyer or accountant, these are probably not good choices for you.
Choosing a suit is not always easy, but it is important to get it right. You will enjoy more success when you dress for it. The rules are not difficult, and the results are definitely worth the effort.
For advice about choosing a suit that matches your style, visit Studio Suits. With expert tailoring staff on hand to provide advice and answer your questions, Studio Suits makes choosing and ordering a suit incredibly easy, which is why they are one of the most recommended custom tailoring services.