For conversion into fabric, wool undergoes a long process. Wool originally comes from the fleece of sheep. Sheep are sheared once a year by professional shearers who get the fleece off the sheep in a single piece. The single piece of fleece is moved to a wool table in which the fleece is separated from short wool fibers while other undesirable elements are removed manually.
The finer fleece is utilized in creating worsted fabrics which is finer and used mainly for making suits. The coarser fleece is used for making fabrics for coats, jackets or rugs. A mixture of hot water, detergent and alkali is made to clean the greasy lanolin present in the fleece. After the cleaning process, the fleece is dried in rollers. This process is called scouring. Regular sized fleeces are combined to form blended fabrics. This blended wool has tufts of unwanted tangled fibers. A carding machine is used to brush through the blended wool to remove these fibers. After the carding process, the shorter wool fibers are used to make wool fabrics that are coarse. They are made into ropes ready for yarns.
The longer fibers are used to make worsted fabrics that are finer. The carded wool is brushed several times to create finer fabric. Finally these fibers are spun into yarns by high speed machines such that the ends of the fibers are drawn out. The yarns are spun into fabrics by looms or computerized machines that interlace vertical and horizontal sets of threads at a very high speed. This leads to the formation of fabrics. Wool leads to the creation of different types of fabrics like broadcloth, gabardine and tweed. Studio Suits provides customized suiting services giving you a wider option to choose your own style, fabric and colors. Get wool suits stitched accurately as per your measurements by studio Suits.