Not all men's suits are made of cotton. While cotton suits are popular, there are other materials in which suits are made and sold, including linen. Linen suits, in fact, are often preferred over their cotton counterparts. They feature a soft texture and lightweight properties, allowing for some unique benefits. With that said, there are many myths surrounding linen suits that you should believe.
#1) Must Wear With a Tie
You don't have to necessarily wear a tie with a linen suit. Linen suits look amazing on their own -- even without a necktie or bowtie. They are available in a plethora of colors and patterns, and with their linen construction, linen suits have a timeless style.
Regardless of which type of linen suit you choose, you can rest assured knowing that a tie isn't necessary. You can always choose to accessorize it with either a necktie or bowtie, but doing so is completely optional.
#2) Wrinkles Easily
Another common myth about linen suits is that they wrinkle easily. Since linen is a lightweight material, many men assume that linen suits wrinkle easily. If you've ever owned one, though, you'll realize this isn't the case.
Linen suits aren't immune to wrinkles, but they typically offer better protection against wrinkles than suits made of other materials. A wrinkle is the result of a semi-permanent crease. Creases, of course, occur when one section of material folds over an adjacent section. Linen suits are exceptionally lightweight, so their creases are usually temporary and not permanent, meaning they don't wrinkle easily.
In the unlikely event that your linen suit develops a wrinkle, you should be able to smooth it out simply by hanging the suit jacket or trousers on a clothes hanger. After hanging for a day or two, the wrinkle should be gone. Alternatively, you can check the care label on the linen jacket or linen suit for maintenance instructions from the manufacturer, which may include advice on how to clean and de-wrinkle it.
#3) Only Appropriate for Summer
You aren't restricted to wearing a linen suit during the summer months. You can wear it during any time of year, including the winter months.
With their lightweight and breathable properties, linen suits are ideal for summer use. As a result, some men assume that they should only be worn when it's hot outside. The reality is that you can wear a linen suit anytime, regardless of season or temperature.
If you're worried about the cold winter weather causing you to discomfort, simply choose a blended linen suit. There are blended linen suits, for instance, that contain a combination of both linen and wool. They still feature a similar appearance as all-linen suits, but they contain added wool to increase their warmth.
#4) Will Cause Static Cling
Static cling is a common problem with many types of clothes, including suits. As you may know, static cling occurs when static electricity builds up within or on a garment. There's static electricity all around us. If it jumps to a garment, the garment may hold that staticity electricity, resulting in static cling.
Although it can affect garments in different ways, some of the most common signs and symptoms of static cling include the following:
- Dust and dirt sticking to the surface
- Individual fibers protruding out
- Garment sticks to other clothes and accessories
- Garment sticks to your skin
- More creases and wrinkles
While static cling is annoying to say the least, you don't have to worry about it with a linen suit. Linen is one of the few materials that doesn't suffer from static cling. Cotton and wool, on the other hand, have a high risk of causing static cling. If you're tired of battling static cling, you may want to choose a linen suit instead.

#5) Only Available in Single Colors
Think linen suits are only available in single colors? Think again. Over the past few years, multi-colored linen suits have become more popular. The Italian Linen Marine Blue Suit sold here at StudioSuits, for example, features a brilliant pattern consisting of multiple colored and vertical stripes. It doesn't just feature blue. Rather, it contains vertical stripes in other colors as well, resulting in a brilliant pattern that's particularly stylish yet also unique.
The bottom line is that not all linen suits feature a single color. Many of them, including the aforementioned Italian Linen Marine Blue Suit, feature multiple colors. Feel free to shop around by comparing both single- and multi-colored linen suits to determine which one matches your personal style.
#6) Not As Strong As Cotton
Cotton suits are relatively strong, but they don't come close to matching the strength of their linen counterparts. Linen is much stronger than cotton. Research shows that linen is 30% to 40% stronger than cotton.
Since linen is stronger than cotton, linen suits are highly durable and able to last a long time. They won't degrade. Rather, linen suits will withstand the hands of time while providing you with the utmost comfort and style. You can find other "strong" suits on the market, but they don't offer the same properties as those made of linen. Linen is a one-of-a-mind material that's not only strong; it's also lightweight and breathable.
#7) Difficult to Maintain
Finally, it's a common assumption that linen suits are difficult to maintain. Linen suits are actually easy to maintain, though, because they are made of an organic material. Linen is a type of material that comes from the flax plant. As an organic material, it's relatively easy to maintain. You don't have to worry about it shrinking, nor do you have to worry about linen developing permanent stains.
Keep in mind that you should always follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the maintenance of your linen suit. Some manufacturers recommend dry cleaning, whereas others recommend machine washing. Regardless, following the manufacturer's instructions will protect your linen suit from premature wear and tear.